How to Play Casino Poker Games : How is Razz Different From Stud Poker?

Learn about how razz differs from stud poker in this free casino poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.

Expert: Reg Brittain
Bio: Reg Brittain has benefited from the poker boom of recent years. In 2006, Brittain won $25,000 on Fox Sports Network’s Poker Dome Challenge.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso

How to Play Casino Poker Games : Deceptive Hands in Stud & Razz Poker Games

Learn about deceptive hands in razz and stud poker that look good but are not in this free casino poker instructional video from our expert card player and professional casino gambler.

Expert: Reg Brittain
Bio: Reg Brittain has benefited from the poker boom of recent years. In 2006, Brittain won $25,000 on Fox Sports Network’s Poker Dome Challenge.
Filmmaker: Christian Munoz-Donoso